The digital divide existed in our community before fiber. And it will exist after fiber, too, if we do not join with our policymakers in effecting meaningful change.
“Effective digital inclusion public policy relies upon strategies tested on the ground by community-based organizations, libraries and local government increasing equitable broadband access and use,” says Angela Siefer, director of the National Digital Inclusion Alliance.
The Gigabit City Summit is proud to join with NDIA in welcoming their annual conference, Net Inclusion 2016: The National Digital Inclusion Summit to Kansas City on May 18-19 at the Kansas City Public Library. This exciting gathering of digital divide bridgers will happen right on the heels of the Gigabit City Summit, which returns to KC May 16-18!
A Week Not to Miss
With Net Inclusion Summit and Gigabit City Summit happening in tandem, this makes for a solid week of connected city learning May 16-20 in KC. If you are interested in the ways next-generation technology is impacting our communities, from digital inclusion to gigabit innovation, this is a week not to miss in Kansas City. Tweet: It’s like SXSWi for cities!
Don’t wait! The early bird deadline for 30% off registrations to the Gigabit City Summit is January 31.
Registration for the Net Inclusion Summit will open soon, and they are looking for members to take part in the summit Planning Committee. If you are interested, contact Angela Siefer: angela@digitalinclusionalliance.org